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Ethereum: Build personalized software with distributed hash tables
As a budding developer, you probably know the concept of blockchains and smart contracts. However, the creation of an application based on fully functional blockchain from zero can be an intimidating task. In this article, we will explore how to create personalized software using C
which uses distributed hash tables (DHTS), a crucial component in many blockchain applications.
What is a chopping table distributed?
A DHT is a data structure that allows effective storage and recovery of large amounts of data by distributing it on a network of nodes. In the context of blockchains, DHTs are often used to store transactions related to transactions, such as atmosphere, blocks and other metadata.
Why use C #?
is a popular choice to build blockchain applications due to sound:
- Sub-sitt with distributed systems
- Ease of development with libraries like Entity Framework Core (EF Core) and Cosmosdb
- Native integration with the Ethereum virtual machine (EVM)
Build a personalized DHT in C
To create a personalized DHT, you will have to understand how to design and implement a data structure that can effectively store and recover data. Here is an example of implementing a DHT using C #:
Use of the system;
Use of system.collections. Genenerier;
Use of system.threading.tasks;
Dhtnode public class
Public chain hash {get; together; }
Public list elements {Get; together; }
DHTNOD Public (String has)
Hash = hash;
Items = new list ();
Public chain data {get; together; }
Dhtstore public class
Dictionary Private Readonly _Nodes = New Dictionary ();
Public Void Addhash (chain hatch, DHTITEM element)
If (! _Nodes.trygetvalue (hash, Var node))))
Node = New Dhtnode (hash);
_Nodes.add (hash, knot);
node.items.add (item);
public dhtnode Gethash (String has)
Return _nodes.trygetvalue (hash, Var node)? NODE: NULL;
Implementation of smart contracts
To create intelligent contracts that interact with DHT, you will have to understand how to use the Solidey of Ethereum programming language. Here is an example of implementing a simple intelligent contract that stores and recovers the data using the DHT:
Pragma Solidity ^ 0.8,0;
Datastore contract {
Mapping (address => uint256 []) Public datastores;
Mapping (String => Uint256 []) Public hashdatastores;
Addhash function (String Memory _hash, Uint256 [] Memory _Data) Public {
for (uint256 i = 0; i <_data.length; i ++) {
If (! Datastores [_hash] [i]) {
Datastores [_hash] .push (_data [i]);
other {
hashdatastores [_hash] .push (i);
Getdatahash function (chain memory _hash) Return of public view (Uint256 [] Memory) {
Return the datastores [_hash];
Getdata function (_hash chain memory) View Public Returns (Uint256 []) {
Return hashdatastores [_hash];
` ‘
Example of use cases
Here are some examples of use cases for your DHT and your personalized intelligent contract:
* Validation of transactions
: Your application based on blockchain can validate transactions by checking the hash data compared to the corresponding DHT elements.
* Execution of the intelligent contract : Your intelligent contract can execute its logic according to DHT elements, such as updating chain or trigger events.
The creation of a DHT and a personalized intelligent contract in C
is a great way to create robust blockchain applications.